The way of cognition


I meet, but I admit, not so often, persons who are striving for new cognitions about own nature, working persistently on improvement of their health and diligently applying the acquired knowledge. They are satisfied, even with modest progress. But at the same time they are open to new information and knowledge. They are guided by gift of observations. They are ready to notice changes in their own body, in their mood and behaviour, trying to distinguish, rationally or intuitively, their background. They are observing changes in their environment and social ambient, considering damages and possible improvements.  They are redoubtable, regardless of the progress achieved. Their sincere openness to new insights about themselves and their abilities cannot leave an experienced connoisseur to remain indifferent. Finally he is also enthusiastic in his own personal research. So he is always ready to participate in each such special event, discovering that he always makes part to indivisible and omnipresent I, which mark all of us as One being. Today knowledge is expanding, unifying space of the past and future, knitting the timeless braid for each participant, for explorer as for his companion.
From such a research person emerges refreshed and strengthened, of sharpened senses and power to enjoy the beauty of nature, the diversity of life. He also is capable to discern everything what is opposed to his gentle but in righteousness inexorable soul.
For such individuals real time clock is ticking all the time more and more slower. Their health and life expectancy increases. Clock easily stops ticking time. Researchers are then listening the sensation of creative and unifying silence of mind and heart, union of the pulse of the universe into which we are woven.