Destroy SARS-CoV-2 in your body

For introduction here is my message I published on fb here in Croatia.
Destroy SARS-CoV-2 (covid-19) with numerical sequence energy method- established by Boris Cyprýn.
For now, the only efficient, fast and free way to destroy virus. If you have this virus, write a number 93 on a piece of paper and put it on your character on the photo.
Within exactly 72 hours this type of virus will be destroyed and paper with number must be removed. Refer others suffering.
More details of the Numerical Sequence Energy Method (NSEM) you will find on my FB or on
For other personal tips on regeneration process contact me:
This was the message on electronic media when I became convinced of the success of this method.
I hope that Numerical Sequence Energy concept (NSE) is the announcement of step into new health research era on vibrational character of pathogens - Numerical sequence energy -NSE. 
Combinations of vaccines and drugs known from history are no longer sufficient. Gone are the days of random attempts, speculation, and puzzles with already known ingredients. The search for a cure from nature would also be unsuccessful. The need for change in approach is the fact that the GMO everywhere present provokes unexpected health problems. The Creator is only one for whole nature providing its integrity, wholeness and harmony. 
SARS-CoV-2 virus was not originated in nature but is result of particular human will. This virus has been modified and produced in a laboratory. 
Infront us is an enemy whose aggressive strength is the result of human will to create a new weapon to which virology is unable to oppose. It is impossible to create effective defense to modified virus. It has no efficient enemy in the nature. There is no natural basis for successful vaccine or drug to be created. This fact must change our approach to the problem and its solution.
My experience directs me to conclusion that a successful solution lies in detecting and recognizing the energetic or vibrational character of the modified virus. This knowledge and recognition of vibrating value of modified virus offers an extremely fast and effective defense tool as excellent virus destroyer.
Use of Numerical Sequence Energy Method (NSEM) will resolve problem of time needed for testing and authorization present in case of new vaccine. Considering actual problem of covid-19 influence on social life and economy impact, national security, advantages of NSEM are of absolute value.
Recent products of pharmaceutical giants to cover the market with their anti covid-19 solutions have nothing revolutionary in substance. They ignore completely to recognize and give the response on modified quality of SARS-CoV-2 virus. The BNT162b2  by Pfiser USA, Sputnjik V from  Russia,  Bamlanivimab  by Lilli USA  are not able to destroy SARS-CoV-2 virus. They neither can create efficient immunity response in the body. They can eventually alleviate some side effect, but the virus will remine in the body silently weakening it or waiting in ambush for another opportunity to show its destructive strength. 
That conclusion is result of simple bio-sensorial test I conducted searching to find mirror response of this vaccines with covid-19.
For the beginning I can prove there is way of successful destruction of SARS-CoV-2 virus by numerical sequence energy. Number is 93. The energy of this number is identical but of mirror value of modified virus life energy.  
I will be glad to offer a proof. I need 10 cases of confirmed infected persons not treated with any antiviral medicine. Send to me their photos. I shall communicate my findings about their infection before and after 72 hours of Numerical Sequence Energy (NSE) therapy.


The therapeutic approach presented here has no points of contact with the attitudes and actions of official medicine but has no intention of opposing but encouraging new insights to medical science. Opposite us we have will of potential aggressor testing new weapon to destroy everyday life as to dominate and oppress human integrity and freedom. We have to consider covid-19 as an biological weapon able to kill individual, destroy nation or social group integrity. That for I consider childish, insufficient and inappropriate efforts and competition on finding vaccine whose task is to offer the immunity protection against aggressor which in its’ substance remains undiscovered and untouched. I am not ready for compromises. My research started 1984 and was directed on finding and elimination of viral and bacterial causes of diseases. SARS-CoV-2 was the last challenge I was involved successfully as researcher and online directing therapy couch. 
At the beginning of the infection, the infected person has a fever, followed by other disorders: breathing difficulty, chest pain, physical weakness, headache and others. When the acute phase of inflammation passes, the initial symptoms of the body's reaction to the presence of the virus become milder. Only a noticeable weakness of the body remains. This is a sign that the body's self-defense is reduced, and a chronic phase of the disease occurs. The virus is then still present and active in the body gradually and sometimes imperceptibly weakening it. But the interesting finding was when I realized that vibration character of SARS-CoV-2 was not the same I noticed in other viruses I found in numerous of my patients years before. Vibration character here is slightly different respect all other viruses analyzed during my long practice. That finding induced me to confirm thesis and suspect that this virus was modified in laboratory.
The destruction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in an infected person I performed by applying the oscillating energy of a numerical sequence to a sample belonging to the infected person. The most practical pattern I used is photography. This procedure is based on my findings of bio-sensory research on the vibratory properties of matter and its application in health problems.
Like any other pathogen, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has its own distinctive frequency, now digitized * as its signature or information about molecular vibrational character that reflects the structure of its DNA and the energy of its survival.
"The consequences of covid-19 infection, such as scarring processes that have developed in the lungs and other organs or tissues, lag behind for whole life." This statement of scientists reflects the factual situation established by tests as well as the findings of medical science. The so-called "overcoming" of the infection accompanied by a drop in body temperature to normal brings the patient the illusion of resolution and unconfirmed assumptions about the acquisition of immunity from this virus. The virus still remains in the body.

How the body gets rid of virus SARS-CoV-2

So far, medicine does not have a drug, vaccine or procedure that would be able to destroy any virus with which the body is infected. Vaccine offers only some immunity for limited period of time.
Determining the numerical value of the vital vibration of SARS-CoV-2 is the basis of therapy. The rate at which a virus decays is the result of the mirror action of its own life energy. This method is completely harmless, without the need for medication and has no side effects.
The process of destroying the virus does not require any material costs or expenses for medicines.

The vibrational nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Complete destruction of the covid-19 virus is achieved by this Cyprýn method within three days. Exactly in 72 hours. The procedure, although extremely simple, is difficult to explain briefly. I named it after my last name because after persistent searching I could not find a description of the procedure identical or similar to the one I personally designed and tested. The path to a solution is the result of a synthesis of personal and decades of independent research and so called alternative therapeutic experiences.

Nature of vibration

Everything in the universe vibrates. Atoms, molecules, simple and complex organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and other beings and phenomena. Letters, words, and numbers and series of numbers vibrate as well. Let's stick to the numbers. As a therapist and counselor for achieving the integrity of the body and mind, I have been using bio-sensory analysis of pathological conditions of sick people for decades, as to identify the causes of diseases and achieve their elimination. Each type of pathogen (virus, bacterium, etc.) emits its unique type of energy or life vibration. This life energy or oscillation frequency can be read and displayed in numerical order. This numerical sequence has the same energy value as the pathogenic radiation source of which the numerical sequence is a copy.
The numerical expression of the SARS-CoV-2 vibration differs from the values of all hitherto known viruses that have historically attacked the human body.


1. Virus elimination
According to the test procedures I have performed so far, the process of destroying the SARS-CoV-2 virus takes three days or 72 hours from the moment you direct the mirror-opposite energy to the body to the life energy inherent in the covid-19 virus. By mirroring the vibration of the life energy (expressed by a numerical sequence) to the virus itself that is present in the body of an infected person, the life energy of the virus is being canceled and virus destroyed. Instead of the patient, the numerical expression of the life energy of the virus is placed on the 'mediator of the person himself' - on his photograph. A photograph of a person in a vibratory sense has the same value as the living person that the photograph represents.
So, person = her photo. If we act on the photograph of a sick person by the numerical value of the vital force of the causative agent, the result will be the destruction of the causative agent. It is not desirable to keep the number representing mirror value of Numerical Sequence on the photograph longer than 72 hours. In people with acute inflammation and fever, the first evidence of the disappearance of SARS-CoV-2 -in case of acute inflammation is a drop in body temperature to or about 36.4 ° C during first day of NSEM application. This is followed by withdrawal and disappearance of other symptoms of acute inflammation.
2. How to rid body of the waste remained after of SARS-CoV-2 elimination.
Liberating body of virus residues so as of metabolic residues is the next problem to be resolved. This therapeutic action must be individualized. Each person entered in contact with SARS-CoV-2 with different anamnesis or different health condition. Pathological connection of body tissues with the waste is second problem of restoring health.
In order to restore vitality of damaged tissues, organs and body functions as they existed before the virus infection, it is necessary to expel waste from the body: the dead virus and the waste of the virus metabolism as well as the dead cells of the damaged organs. The destruction of SARS-CoV-2 does not in itself lead to the regeneration of damaged organs as we would expect in case elimination of a virus of natural origin. SARS-CoV-2 is the result of human intervention and changes in the genetic structure of the virus performed in the laboratory. The body's immune mechanism does not recognize such a modified unnatural virus as part of nature and has no defensive response to it. By modifying the molecular structure, the virus lost its natural integrity. Its aspiration to acquire again its natural original composition is compromised but the tendency to acquire integrity is now emphasized. Therefore, its aggressiveness to achieve a whole state is far greater compared to a virus from nature which activity is limited to satisfy the natural aspiration to sustain its life and to reproduce its species. The destructive power of the modified virus is therefore emphasized many times over.
While the destruction of a natural virus as a cause of tissue damage enables the self-renewal of damaged tissues and organs, the destruction of a modified virus is not in itself a sufficient basis for the self-renewal of damaged tissues.
Just as the body of an infected person does not recognize the laboratory-modified virus, it does not recognize neither the waste products that result from the metabolism of the unnatural modified virus. The sooner an infection is detected, and the virus is destroyed, the less waste remain in the body. This has milder consequences for the functionality of the organism. Dead cells of damaged organs, the body that is not infected with SARS-CoV-2, regularly recognizes as waste and gradually excretes it from itself. The problem is with the excretion of dead viruses and metabolism waste of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The body does not recognize these substances because they are not originated from nature but are the result of genetic modification to SARS-CoV-2 performed in the laboratory. Bio-sensory analysis has shown that the relative adhesion strength of incomplete substances of ordinary organic waste (such as chemical additives in food and ingredients of food depleted by processing), with living cells of the human body averages 40/100. However, the relative strength of the adhesion of the waste generated by the destruction of SARS-CoV-2 as well as the waste that this virus produced during its life in the infected body is extremely high 90/100.
The lack of natural integrity of the virus caused by genetic modification as well as the waste generated by the metabolism of SARS-CoV-2 in the body severely depletes the body of the infected person. This is because this virus and the products of its metabolism tend to regain their natural integrity they possessed before the modification.
Just as the body of an infected person does not recognize the laboratory-modified virus, it does not recognize neither the waste products that result from the metabolism of the unnatural modified virus. The sooner an infection is detected, and the virus is destroyed, the less waste remain to be expeled. Consequences  for the organism functionality are minor and faster should be  process of its self-renewal. Dead cells of their damaged organs, the body that is not infected with covid-19 regularly recognizes as waste and gradually excretes it from itself. The problem is with the excretion of dead viruses and waste metabolism of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The body does not recognize these substances because they do not originate from nature but are the result of genetic modification to SARS-CoV-2 performed in the laboratory. Bio-sensory analysis has shown that the relative adhesion strength of incomplete substances of ordinary organic waste (such as chemical additives in food and ingredients of food depleted by processing), with living cells of the human body averages 40/100. However, the relative strength of the adhesion of the waste generated by the destruction of covid-19 as well as the waste that this virus produced during its life in the infected body is extremely high 90/100.
The lack of integrity of the virus SARS-CoV-2  caused by genetic modification as well as the waste generated by the metabolism of Covida-19 in the body severely depletes the body of the infected person. This is because Covid and the products of its metabolism tend to regain their natural integrity they possessed before the modification.

Checking the success of both procedures

In order to check the success of the proposed therapeutic procedures in addition to the progress provided by the feeling of your own body, it is advisable to perform medical examinations before and after the time of application of these therapeutic procedures:
  • Lung capacity - spirometric finding
  • Urine analysis - urine culture
  • Blood test
  • Measurement of physical condition
  • Another finding that you consider important for assessing the success of therapy and therapeutic counseling.
It is desirable that the first and second measurements be performed in the same laboratory.
Information on therapeutic procedures as well as bio-sensory analysis of the state of the organism can be requested on my e-mail: it is necessary to attach your photo to the e-mail through which the analysis of the state of the organism is performed.

The future of Numerical Sequence Energy Method (NSEM)

Boris Cyprýn - author of the method
For decades, I have been researching the causes of disease, the factors on which health and longevity depend, and beyond the framework and knowledge offered by the health profession and medical education. My analytical bio-sensory abilities, which I have developed over the decades, allow me to determine the state of vital force of certain parts of the body, the influence of various health factors and especially the presence of pathogens that lead to health disorders. More about my experiences and my therapeutic method of cleansing the body's memory at